
One of five children, I was raised by mother, a single parent.  She was fortunate to have a union job with health care and the GI bill provided the loan for our home.  It follows that my moral compass came from my mom. She told me to stand tall; everyone has one vote so I was as good as anyone, but no better. Remember to think of others, she said, and I would probably do the right thing and stay on the right side of the law. 

I have been a Fortuna citizen for over 20 years, and with Neil Palmer, my husband and Head Pharmacist at Redwood Memorial Hospital, raised two children who are now in college.
I volunteered at the library, South Fortuna Elementary, for the Native Plant Society and Humboldt Botanical Gardens. 

I am active in local and city government, having worked on the Clendenen for Supervisor campaign and the effort to stop the water tank in our very unique redwood park.  I have just completed a documentary film, Boondoggle in thrifty Fortuna?,  that is airing on Access Humboldt channel 12. Please visit my website for more about me and the film: