"Annexation Proposed"
Humboldt Beacon, Jan. 23, 1964, page 1
Fortuna City Council Monday night accepted a petition for annexation of nearly seven acres known as the Bruce McLeod property on Smith Lane. The proposed annexation is now subject to study by the county boundary commission'
. . . Plans have been announced to build seven four-plexes, a total of 28 residential units on the site.
"May Expand Rohner Park Facilities"
Humboldt Beacon, august 20, 1964, page 1
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An enthusiastic discussion covered a full dress look into Fortuna's future, covering possible expansion by annexation of various areas. City financial advisor Eugene Lucas pointed out this should not remain a passive approach, but instead the city should have the welcome mat out for feasible expansion possibilities.
[emphasis added]
"Annexation Petitions Circulating"
Humboldt Beacon, Feb. 11, 1965, page 1
Petitions are now being circulated for one of the largest area annexations in the history of the City of Fortuna, which, if approved...would add the entire area from Jameson Creek down Rohnerville road to the present city limits, including the Renner Drive addition, Redwood Memorial Hospital, and intervening property.
This would add some 50 homes, various commercial propery and an estimated 320 people to the City of Fortuna.
Residents of the area would actually show a saving in their tax rate, it is pointed out, and receive the value of ultimate hook-up to the city sewers and water systems as well as all other protection.
Meanwhile, there are continuing reports that many residents in the Kenmar Road and Campton Heights districts are anxious to explore the possibilities of annexation. Here again, the matter involves water, sanitation and lighting.
The City of Fortuna is not soliciting these annexations, it is pointed out, simply putting out the welcome mat, and preparing through constant utility improvements to make it possible for annexations to be profitable to those now outside the city limits.
[emphasis added]
"No Increase in Taxes for City Of Fortuna; Will Get New Parking Lot, Many Other Important Developments"
Humboldt Beacon, June 24, 1965, page1
Fortuna city Councilmen were informed Monday night by Fiscal Advisor Eugene Lucas and City Administrative Officer George Dinsmore that a $185,000 budget could be handled for 1965-66, with a major public improvement program, acquisition of a quarter block for public parking, and development of sewer and water services for new additions to the city without a raise in taxes.
. . .
The council also:
. . .
Set a public hearing on the Wright annexation at the South City Limits for July 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
Held a public protest hearing at 8 p.m. for the Renner Drive annexation. No protest were received and plans to proceed with the election were given to City Attorney Joe Buzza.
"City Grows By 300 Overnight"
Humboldt Beacon, August 19, 1965
Eligible voters in the proposed Renner annexation to the City of Fortuna went to the polls Tuesday to register their approval to the proposal. . .
It is estimated by city officials that the annexation will add between 275 and 300 new residents to the city at this time, but will enable the area to take advantage of both water and sewer facilities enabling new growth.
Both Rohner Elementary School and the Redwood Memorial Hospital and all the intervening property to the Adventist Church and thence down Newburg Road to the existing city limits are included.
The city is ready to start work immediately on the sewer extensions, with water to follow at a later date.
The Fortuna city council policy is not to campaign for annexations, but to do everything possible to encourage those who desire to join the city to do so. Several other smaller proposals are now in the mill of legal procedure.
[emphasis added]
"City Will Welcome Campton Heights Annexation If Sought By Residents of That District"
Humboldt Beacon, November 18, 1965, page 1
The City of Fortuna will welcome the residents of Campton Heights to enter the corporate limits of Fortuna if they desire to share the many integrated, low-cost service facilities now available to Fortuna residents.
. . .
The statement of receptive policy followed a full financial discussion as to the ability of the city to make further expansions in the years to come without penalizing the existing residents of the city. All departments of the city are in excellent shape now. The sanitary department can handle up to 9500 population as can the water department.
Extra police protection would be necessary in the years to come, but this can be handled by additional revenue from the state per capita allowances. Much street work has already been handled by county government. It is also possible to handle growth needs under the provisions of special districts within the city, such as the drainage and cemetery districts, if necessary and feasible.
The council reviewed the building plans for the proposed civic center and decided to build as scheduled in the half block bounded by Eleventh and K streets, without applying for any federal Civil Defense funds. The city wants to control its own structures and indicated complete satisfaction with the new county court facility at ninth and n streets.
The council also authorized study of a proposed connecting route between Redwood Memorial Hospital and Fortuna Boulevard.
Members of the council expressed full satisfaction with the reports by city officials, declaring that "The City of Fortuna is in the best financial and physical condition of its history. We are prepared to expand if desired by our neighbors, but what we do must be orderly, well-planned and financially feasible to all concerned," members declared in accord.
[emphasis added]
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