A new city reservoir was built to replace the Stewart Street tanks in the 1960's.
The next step in the project was completed last November with the Vancil reservoir relining and modification project ($1/2 million).
City records contain an estimate of $600,000 for the pumping and water main improvements to allow the city reservoir on Vancil to provide the 2 million gallons of storage needed for the largest zone in the city. There will still be 2 million gallons of reserve storage in the city reservoir.
1. Where does Fortuna store it's water?
There are six reservoirs/tanks. One in the southern part of town and five in the north. Two in the north need to be retired before they fail. The remaining four hold 6.75 million gallons. Vancil reservoir alone holds 5 million gallons, of which 4 million gallons are currently unallocated more...2. Does Fortuna need more water storage?
The 2007 Water System Improvements Preliminary Design Report recommended 4 1/2 million gallons of storage for the city. If the two failing reservoirs were retired today the town would still have more that 6 1/2 million gallons of storage. more...3. Is there enough emergency storage?
4. Are there alternatives to spending more that 4 million dollars on a new water tank?
- The recommended storage provides for emergency storage. more...
- The delivery of water, in an emergency as well as everyday, also depends on the wells, the pumps, and the water mains. In addition, during an emergency back-up systems such power generation are key. back-up systems... past emergencies... more on the system...
- Contrary to popular belief, Vancil was not built after the '64 Flood as emergency storage. It was called the "new city water reservoir" in a 1965 news article.more...
- If the recommended storage is not enough emergency storage, will the City Council act to protect the 4 million gallons in Vancil as emergency water? you can ask them
- Dr. DeBoise, of Oscar, Larson & Associates estimated first costs of about $600,000 to use Vancil instead of building a new tank.
- The water bond money was to be use to remedy a backlog of repairs. The new water tank will cost over 4 million dollars. There are 9 million dollars in water projects planned during the next 5 years. CIP water projects...
- There is another tank for which replacement storage is needed. more...
- If there is money for improvements to the system then investing in solar power is one wise use. more...
6. What information did staff use to come to their conclusion?
- There is no discussion or evidence in the report supporting their conclusion. read the report (Vancil discussion begins on p. 21)...
- Information in the 2007 Water System Improvements PDR and discussions with engineers, an insurance agent and an accountant do not support this conclusion. more...
The preliminary information used to prepare the report does not include supporting information for the operational concerns. take a look...7. Wouldn't using Vancil risk relying on PRV valves?
The city currently uses PRV valves. more...8. Do the Water Revenue Bonds require building a new reservoir to replace those at Stewart Street?
The stated concern is that PRV valves fail closed which could be disastrous in an emergency. According to a conversation with a California Department of Health engineer there are PRV valves which fail open and, if used in a series, would safely control the pressure.
It was stated at the January Special Meeting that under the terms of the bonds Fortuna could be sued if we did not build a new reservoir. The bond wording gives the City Council authority over what improvements are to be made. more...What comes next?
The Council needs to hear from the citizens of Fortuna. We need to use the Vancil city reservoir.
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